For music educators who are planning on bringing their students to participate in the festival choir, please download the registration materials below. Be sure to include ONE single check payable to "AWAKE" with this registration form. To facilitate prompt delivery of music, please register as soon as possible. Student health and permission forms must be signed and sent with the registration form.
Choral music packets will be mailed out in December, and access to rehearsal recordings and director's notes will be available then as well. Students in 4th through 8th grades are eligible to participate in the choral festival. The students you select should represent your most talented and cooperative singers. Please be sure to balance your group with an equal number of students per part.
Your prompt registration is crucial! We will be able to accommodate a maximum number of 75 students due to space and safety issues. To ensure your students’ inclusion and to receive the music in a timely manner all registration materials must be mailed online. The registration deadline will be posted shortly.
There is a tentative schedule for the day listed on the registration form. The concert is open to the public and tickets will be available for purchase at the door, $5 for adult tickets and $3 for children's tickets, cash or check only. Teachers should plan to have at least one other chaperone/adult in addition to yourself available at all times during the rehearsal that day.